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Fuck Cancer

This morning I found out that my coworker friend died.  It was completely unexpected.  We had observed she was not 100% on our last trip in November, but nobody (including her) thought it would be anything this serious.

I’m at a loss for words and the emotions are still raw and overwhelming.  Jane was one of the most caring people I’ve ever met and her passion and work ethic were unmatched.  She drove me crazy occasionally, but she was my friend and that’s what friends do from time to time.

I don’t know what to say, but I know that my pain is nothing compared to what her family and friends back home are going through.  She was devoted to her family and loved her nephews so much.  One of the best nights of 2011 was in a hotel lobby in Panama City listening to her tell a hilarious story of her escapades from the most recent visit to see them and her transition to an iPhone which also occurred the day her nephews got in their first fender bender (with her at the wheel).  We stayed up late that night laughing and it was such a joyful evening.

This week I was planning on having a call with her to wrap up our latest project and to see how she liked the cd I sent her for Christmas.  I now doubt the package was even received as I was late in mailing it.  I talked to her two weeks ago about upcoming trips and we looked forward to seeing each other again.  It’s inconceivable to me that I will never see her again.

Like our friend Jordan said, we will forever think of you everytime we have a glass of your beloved Malbec.  In fact, I bought a bottle this afternoon to have a toast in your honor tonight.  You will be missed more than you will ever know and it was an honor working with you.  I’m happy to call you a friend, even if our Facebook friendship is still pending because you never log-in to check it.

Jane pictured at right this past September